
film pitch

so here's some concept sketchez i did for my fourth year film pitch
its gonna be about halloween

and here are some sketchez of kids in halloween costumes
tell me these aren't adorable!

also, i think its cool to leave in the coils in sketchbook scans

dairy farm caught fire

assignment in 2nd year story boarding, as a group we adapted a song into story boards, this was my verse.

and here's my design version of the characters, i like the face on the dog

and here are my boards in pitch format


rainbow fishing boards

here are the boards from my rainbow fishing leica in case you like your storyboards in pitch format

my favourite board. page 2. bottom right.

i catch lighting with my teeth because i am a man

dragon storyboards

some boards of a little dragon
an assignment in 2nd year story boarding
makes me chuckle

poor little dragon

cowboy sketchez 2

more cowboy sketchez

mario & luigi

just some messin around in photoshop with a sketch i did of mario and luigi.

and here's my original sketch


stop mo

a simple walk for a walk assignment

this one was just for fun
hop chickens! hop!

trick or treat

concept art for my forth year film

what colour's your monkey?

my college professor asking one of my classmates what colour his monkey is.
just another day at art school